The Seven Areas of Assessment
The issue with the British film industry is that we are “poorly organised” and have to get help from American film industries, such as The Weinstein Company which The Kings Speech used. Because British film companies are underfunded, they get “dominated by multinational media companies” in America, making the films we would release become under looked compared to an American film release as they can afford better publicity.
The British film companies lose a lot of money when they join up with an American film company as they will take a high percentage (85-90%) share of the profit, whereas if Britain sorted out the problem themselves they would be able to keep the entire profit.
For example if they hadn’t gotten help from America to help fund the Harry Potter films and instead just got a loan and took a risk, they could have made an increasingly higher profit for themselves.
Another issue that was raised was when the films production company knew someone who lived 12 doors down from Rush and then posted the script through his door “Rush's management wrote the film makers a furious email for their impertinence. Despite this, Rush accepted the role of Lionel Logue, the King's speech therapist.” This shows that when using there initiative (although maybe not in the most professional way) they managed to get the actor they want.
The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing
Because the British film industries are so small they felt the need to come together with The Weinstein Company, it would produce a lot of publicity in America. Although if they risked it and just took out a loan they would have easily made enough profit to pay them back and take some for themselves. But with the help of Weinstein they managed to show the whole America just how British their film was going to be, so by joining with them it probably helps a large amount when promoting in America.
By joining with other companies they are then able to cover a large range of advertising techniques, such as trailers, posters, possibly games, phone apps or wallpapers, each bringing an idea to the table and then using it in different countries and getting different responses and publicity as it leads up to the film release. Also releasing shot clips of the film will create excitement in people as they will want to know why that scene happens and what happens after it, building up the tension for the premier and then the first release date for the film.
They would create many trailers to encourage the viewers to want to come and watch the film, trailers such as these:
They can even get free publicity due to peopole creating their own spoof trailer of the film, trailers such as this:
The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange
3D films have recently been introduced into the world of cinema bringing in more money due to the people who want a real life experiences with things flying out the screen at them or people looking so close to real that they are actually standing in front of you.
Although the equipment to make a 3D film would be high film producers could possibly quite easily make up the money and profit. If they simply only showed the film they were producing in 3D at cinemas then people would have no choice but to watch that screening, but due to the high amount of people who want that 3D experience they could probably make up the money by doing a 3D screening and a normal 2D screening.
You can market the film in a more wide variety of ways due to all the new technology, people can watch trailers on their phones, rent films, people even make their own trailer for the film which is helping them promote and I nice and free way with no expense to them. Because technology is is increasing all the time you'll always find new ways to go about seeing something or hearing about something.
The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences
Its good that people are now able to use their phones to find trailers or information about films they wish to see, and if the film companies make the right setting so their page is able to be viewed on phones then their publicity could rise by an increasing rate. The more and more people walking about on their phones everyday could be seen to them as walking money, the possibility that they could then watch the trailer on their phones that their mate told them about for example and then thinking yeah lets go see that, this could increase the viewing rate by a large amount.
This is why its ideal for a film industry to create phone enabled page so people walking around every day searching whatever come across on their phone will be able to access their page without any problems increasing their publicity.
Now online renting has become common it would also make sense for film industries to sell their film to the websites such as 'LOVEfilm' to make an easier way of watching a film without going out to buy it but paying a fair amount of money for the rental anyway. Doing this will increase the audience as people will just think when they come across it oh yeah I heard about this let’s see what its like, the amount of people that could be like that would give the film rental companies quite a high figures of money, with a percentage of that going back to the film company.
The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences
(can you think of examples of how different technologies have come together to help the film industry?)
The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions
When the British film companies came together with The Weinstein Company in America, the company would have taken on the film because of how British it would have appeared in the script. And as America love the stereotypical British nature such as our 'posh accents' and that we always drink tea and have a King or Queen to run our country they seem to like this. With the film being very British as its about the King and the old fashioned British culture of the 1900's The Weinstein Company would have known that this would popular with America and would collect a wide audience assuring them that they would get profit out of the film. The film producers would have though the screenplay through to assure that they would get American support for a British film, so by making a film about the war in Britain and how everyone came together with the help of the King, they knew this would be something that America couldn't turn down as it lived up to their stereotypical view of Britain.
The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour
Its good that technology is evolving because the more things we are able to get done quickly and efficiently helps us, but on the other hand many people will think that its effecting the younger generation, as it is causing them to use technology more often and not going out into the world. Technology is something everyone comes in contact with every day, due to this we are becoming more and more unable to do things without it, which I why people may be against the amount of technology used in the world as it is taking over the majority of lives that live with technology.
Amber, there are some good responses here which show a good working knowledge of the film industry. One of the areas I'd like you to reconsider is "The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange", with the Kings Speech there was a lot of SFX which went unnoticed (barrage balloons, balcony scene etc), the low costs of SFX enables British producers to make more 'realistic' films. Although small details they do help the producer.
ReplyDeleteFor "The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences" consider how DVD sales can help a film make its money back through different 'editions' of the same film.